creativity writing

Weaving spirit into words

November 22, 2016

There’s spirit to be woven into words and creativity to be channelled naturally. It’s time to listen, feel and write.

natural creativity

I’ve realised recently that my writing and creativity practice is a natural one, weaving spirit into words. It came to my attention via the gorgeous ‘natural creativity’ card (above) from the Plant Ally Cards deck created by Lisa McLoughlin. I’d long been wanting this deck. When Lisa put out a call recently to say there were only a few precious ones left, I made the leap. And so did this card, jumping out and calling out for my attention with my first touch of the deck.

With its plant connection being Hogweed (or heracleum), the message of this card is:

Living in the moment allows the gift for personal expression and exploration.

Take the time to manifest your own natural creative path.

These words and thoughts are so welcome and calming at this time. I especially love the encouragement to live in the moment and to take time.

The concept of ‘natural creativity’  has made me realise afresh just how organic this work really is.

It’s about weaving spirit into words. It’s intuitive and poetic, a textual knitting of thoughts and influences into something I can wear into the world. It’s listening to lines that arrive in the night and nudge me. It’s hearing gentle voices narrating an auditory headline as I walk by the ocean. It’s sitting and staring out under a tree, my feet in the sand, writing down what comes like I’m channelling something as natural as the breeze. It’s knowing that my practice of drawing an oracle or tarot card and reflecting on it is a way of tapping into something higher to guide me. Even though it still feels like a strange thing to do sometimes.

Working intuitively with the symbolism of cards has become core and is surprisingly natural to me. I’m finding that my daily cards link to become a narrative that supports me in my associative way of looking at the world. And it’s also helping to anchor me as I process my changing identity and roles when they were so completely different only a few months ago. One of the few consistent variables in all this is my natural creativity and it’s a touchstone in a swirling time of uncertainty.

Uniqueness of voice and vision are critical for me and something of a personal battleground at present. With so many influences, it’s sometimes hard to see your own vision and hear your own voice.

I need to find my footing, my grounded sense of creativity, my own song and weaving of influences. I need to not pine for the past, for what I haven’t done creatively. I need to do what I can, here and now in the flow of the moment and ink on the page.

The sense is also not to rush, just to take the time to listen, to be instinctive and intuitive, manifesting my voice and path in the way that only I can.

The other words that also landed the same day and in the same way as ‘natural creativity’ from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck were:

What you want, wants you.

There’s an aligning of symbols I need to notice more. There’s energy to be conducted like a lightning rod connected between earth and sky. There’s spirit to be woven into words and creativity to be channelled naturally. It’s time to listen, feel and write.


Thought pieces

Plant Ally Cards – At the time of writing, there are still a few of these fabulous decks left at Lisa McLoughlin’s Etsy shop Whimsy of Nature. My thanks to Lisa for creating such an inspiring resource for connecting with nature and creativity.

Daily Divine e-course – I recommend Victoria Smith’s The Daily Divine e-course  if you are interested in developing knowledge of oracle cards and your intuitive practice. This course on oracle cards was a great complement to my burgeoning knowledge of tarot cards. It set me off on an adventure of connecting with intuition more deeply via oracle and tarot. It has especially encouraged what has become a daily practice of reflection and journalling based on card wisdom.

Natural creativity quote – from current read, The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of Soul in Corporate America by David Whyte:

The sudden and intuitive capacity to feel deep emotion, what the romantic poets called sensibility, is the power of appreciation for things as they are.


weaving spirit into words


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  • Diana Frajman November 23, 2016 at 3:13 am

    What you want, wants you. I think I will use that as my new mantra. One can not feel fear knowing that what you want is seeking you out as well.

    • Terri November 23, 2016 at 10:22 am

      So true Diana! It’s a lovely thought and there’s a sense of mutual seeking that I like to, that being receptive opens the doors x

  • Sylvie November 27, 2016 at 5:21 pm

    Will there be a quiet writing e-course?

    • Terri November 28, 2016 at 1:10 pm

      Hi Sylvie – thank you for your welcome question! Yes, there will be a quiet writing e-course and many other developments – all of which are in planning at present. I’d love to hear your thoughts of what you would find of value either via comments or you can email me at terri@quietwriting.com. I’m really keen to develop a Quiet Writing community of creativity and learning based on writing and introvert strengths as its core – it’s very exciting and will post more news as it unfolds but would love to hear your thoughts! Terri

  • creatuitivecompanionSylvie November 28, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    I would love to participate in a “weaving spirit into words” eCourse! You already have the content in this post… working intuitively with tarot or oracle cards to unfold personal narratives on our journey through each new version of our self…

    • Terri November 28, 2016 at 10:43 pm

      Thank you again for your thoughts and enthusiasm for a “weaving spirit into words” ecourse, Sylvie! You are right, the content is unfolding to point the way as it does in this post. It’s all very organic and intuitive! I love your words that describe its essence and look forward to your participation and working together with you.

  • Dal November 29, 2016 at 8:08 am

    A wonderful post Terri, could really feel your spirit and passion in your words here. One of my favourite posts xox

    • Terri November 30, 2016 at 9:01 pm

      Thanks so much for your valued feedback Dal! Glad the feelings transmitted so positively xx


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