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creativity inspiration & influence planning & productivity

Creative and Connected #5 – being accountable to ourselves and others

July 14, 2017



Inspiring resources to keep you creative and connected – this week with a focus on being accountable to ourselves and others!

Here’s a round-up of what I’ve enjoyed and shared this week on various social platforms with a focus on being accountable especially for our long haul creative projects like writing a novel.

Podcasts on being accountable

The Secret Library Podcast – Dal Kular on being at the beginning of the writing process

This podcast was such a treat! It’s a chat between host, Caroline Donahue, and Dal Kular about the beginnings and process of writing. Dal is a special Instagram creative buddy and Caroline is a fabulous coach who works with writers who I happen to be working with right now. So just to be able to hear these two special people, who also have a connection between them, riffing on the writing process together was pure joy!

They talk about the novels they are both writing – the initial ideas, the inspiration, the incubation and the getting down to writing. I loved hearing how their novel ideas were conceived and how they evolved.

The key points for me were all about accountability to ourselves in our bigger and longer creative work.

This includes:

  • how we can often put this accountability to ourselves around long haul creativity last. As Caroline says in the podcast, she is not late for appointments with others but can be late for writing appointments with herself.
  • remembering our deep work and those special inspirations that we may lose touch with but that are so important to honour and get back to.
  • that the process of writing something like a novel has its own special joys like travelling to experience details and being able to shape characters based on your experiences, including negative ones.

As a result of listening to the podcast and a coaching session, I am now aiming to get two larger creative projects including a novel, higher up the order of time priorities!

The Creative PennDiscipline and Practice in Writing and Swordfighting with Guy Windsor

This podcast is an excellent one about writing discipline and practice using links between martial arts and writing as its basis. Guy Windsor is a swordsman, author and entrepreneur. He chats with Joanna about what writing and martial arts have in common including skill building and dealing with fears.

They focus on practices and tools to create accountability in writing. These include:

  • starting with achievable goals
  • using tools to create accountability like word count
  • making mental adjustments about how we are categorising our writing.

The last one is powerful and involves seeing something like writing a novel as play rather than work. I think this sort of flipping the identity and shifting our mindset is a really great strategy for enjoying those longer engagements that can feel a little daunting. Bring them into the arena of fun!!

Books and reading notes

Reading-wise this week, I started David Whyte’s ‘Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity’. This is a special read and one I’ve been savouring. It’s been such a deep pleasure to enjoy David Whyte’s beautiful poetic prose about work and identity, a theme I have been reflecting on:

Taking any step that is courageous, however small, is a way of bringing any gifts we have to the surface, where they can be received. For that we have to come out of hiding, out from behind the insulation. In a way, we have to come to an understanding of ourselves in our work according to where we have established our edge.

I love this book for how it strives for and celebrates finding wholeness in our identity in the workplace. There will be a special focus on this book later in July here on Quiet Writing, so stay tuned!

I also had the pleasure of reading Lead Yourself First: Inspiring Leadership through Solitude by Raymond M. Kethledge and Michael S. Erwin. I absolutely loved this book on solitude and self-leadership as the heart of leadership. It was a rich experience to reflect on its pages whilst reading. I will be writing about this special book further soon.

Blog/Twitter/Instagram posts and interactions:

I’ve been reading Ellen Bard’s post: How to Set Up an Accountability Group and Get Serious Results and thinking about setting up an accountability group.

I connected with Ellen on social media after listening to her great Creative Penn podcast chat with Joanna Penn on ‘Self-care and Productivity for Authors’ last year. Through our connection, we had a conversation about accountability and the role of accountability groups in helping us be more productive. The blog post spells this out in more detail: the how to’s, the advantages, the guidelines, the results.

Ellen has set up and led accountability groups as a form of inspiration to drive accountability and productivity. It’s also a way of ensuring support for both the good days and the bad days as creatives working in isolation.

As Ellen says in her post, Who’s in your corner? 7 ways to connect with kindred spirits:

I ended up with a group of ten amazing people who have inspired and pushed me to much greater efforts than I would have made alone.

Being held and holding others to be accountable for their actions is powerful and inspiring, and is another way to build connections.

So do read Ellen’s post on setting up an accountability group. And I would love to hear of any of your experiences with accountability groups or partners or if anyone is interested in exploring this further with me! Let me know via the comments or social media. Or you can email me at terri@quietwriting.com

Through Twitter, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with Content Creator and Social Media Strategist, Bree. A fellow INTJ, she is just awesome with blogging tips. Wait til you see 3 of the best tips for the most successful blog post ever is fabulous is excellent, especially the headline tips and tools that she shares, available free via CoSchedule. I followed her tips and – yes, I had the most successful blog post ever in the past week with 10 Amazing Life Lessons from Swimming in the Sea. Thanks, Bree and a recommended follow on Twitter for you all.

In 7 ways to identify your uniqueness, Business and Life Coach, Naomi Arnold, reminds us that identifying our uniqueness is an important part of our accountability to ourselves in living a wholehearted life. This is a theme that is woven into the heart of Quiet Writing and something I love to write about and work on in my Life Coaching with women.

There’s been some awesome transformational energy around this week. Have you felt it? I wrote about it in my post, Transforming into the new with my Capricorn Full Moon tarot reading. The energies this week have been about embracing our uniqueness as a springboard at this time, especially the threads that tie our unique story together and give it coherence.

My Tarot Narratives on Instagram have been a rich source of inspiration and insight for me and I hope they are connecting with you too. This has been a consistent daily intuitive practice since 1 June now and I haven’t missed a day! It’s so true that as Danielle LaPorte says in White Hot Truth:

And you can keep flexing your intuition (because it’s like a muscle) to feel into the next right step.

Each day deepens my creative connection with tarot and spirit. The messages this week have been around creative order, organising principles things coming together and making sense. And today, there was a beautiful message about manifesting and finding a form for creative inspirations. Love to hear what’s happening for you in finding the form for your creativity!

Tarot narrative for 14 July: finding form You’re finding the form for your creative desires and inspirations now. Whether it be the new business that coalesces your heart or finally bringing that long-held dream to fruition or practically starting the book you’ve been writing in your head, or all three, it’s about manifesting now and finding a shape that’s real. It’s a time of fertility, sculpting, connecting the pieces, working out the organising principles and unearthing the treasure that’s there and bringing it into the light. And sharing the wealth of our discovery so others can also be inspired. #tarotnarrative #eachdayajourney Reading notes: Cards: The Empress and the Ace of Earth (Pentacles) from The Good Tarot deck and #9 Treasure Island from Wisdom of the Oracle. Book notes: Today is about writing your life, creating your story, whatever its form. Find the way to start, continue or shape the form that works for you to help you find the treasure that is uniquely you: “Our stories create us. Our stories tell us and others what is significant and valuable about us. Our stories validate who we are; they are our personal myths.” How are you finding form?Writing Your Life, Patti Miller #quietwriting #intuitivefriday

A post shared by Terri Connellan (@writingquietly) on

There was also a fabulously fun chat on Instagram based on this picture about sleep rituals and Sleepytime Tea. This tea is a nightly habit of mine, combined with Rescue Remedy Sleep Spray. Both work wonders for restful sleep! Anyway, pop onto IG to learn more and share your story about restful sleep solutions or chat in the comments.


Response to guest posting on Quiet Writing 

I want to thank everyone for their fabulous responses to the opportunity to guest post on Quiet Writing in last week’s Creative and Connected!

I am excited to say we have five very special confirmed guest bloggers lined up for the next months. I can’t wait to share the voices of the Quiet Writing community here to celebrate wholehearted living and writing, career and creativity.

There is one special spot for 18 December left if there is anyone called to write for Quiet Writing just in time for Christmas. I’d love to hear from you, special person!!

I am hoping that we can also consider a regular or one-off publication or online magazine as well.

Feel free to provide any thoughts on the concept of ‘My Wholehearted Story’ – see the previous Creative and Connected post – in the comments or via email. I’d love to hear your thoughts and can’t wait to receive your responses!


Creative and Connected is a regular post each Friday – previous posts below. I hope you enjoy it. I would love any feedback via social media or comments and let me know what you are enjoying too.

Have a fabulous creative weekend!

Writing pic via pexels.com

Keep in touch

Subscribe via email (see the link at the top and below) to make sure you receive updates from Quiet Writing and its passions in 2017. This includes MBTI developments, coaching, creativity and other connections to help express your unique voice in the world. My free ebook on the books that have shaped my story is coming soon for subscribers only – so sign up to be the first to receive it!

Quiet Writing is on Facebook – Please visit here and ‘Like’ to keep in touch and interact with the growing Quiet Writing community. There are regular posts on tarot, intuition, influence, passion, creativity, productivity, writing, voice, introversion and personality including Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

If you enjoyed this post, please share via your preferred social media channel – links are below.

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6 Inspiring Podcasts for Creatives and Book Lovers

Creative and Connected #4 – the wholehearted edition

Creative and Connected #3 – on self-care

Creative and Connected #2

Creative and Connected #1

creativity inspiration & influence planning & productivity

Creative and connected #3 – on self-care

June 30, 2017


creative and connected

Inspiring resources to keep you creative and connected!

Here’s a round up of what I’ve enjoyed and shared this week on various social platforms.

This week I focus on self-care and productivity especially for writers and creatives. It’s been on my mind as I’ve just been diagnosed with osteo-arthritis in my right hand after experiencing some pain for a while. It’s made me more aware of the need for practical strategies for self-care and the creative long-haul.

Here are some recent and valued resources to help in this space as well as some other thoughts and experiences around self-care.

Podcasts on self-care

Dictation has been suggested to me by a number of people as a self-care practice for writing. So it was interesting to listen to this week’s podcast on The Creative Penn:

How To Use Dictation To Write Faster And Stay Healthy With Scott Baker.

The podcast discusses two key benefits of dictation with tools such as Dragon: firstly, speed and increasing word count and words per hour and secondly, as a strategy if you have an injury or you’re suffering from RSI. Mindset, process and habit also emerge as key issues and especially the advantages of treating dictation as a productivity tool. The podcast also covers practical aspects of dictation: how to focus on dictation whilst also plotting and working on ideas; the need for practice; and the technical aspects of how Dragon learns how you write.

I haven’t tried dictation yet but I think it might be time to give it a go! I’d welcome any comments on your experiences of using dictation tools to increase productivity or manage injury whilst writing. Scott Baker also has an book on Dictation which I’ve purchased. It’s not expensive and looks a good investment for learning about this skill.

How to Dictate your Book with Monica Leonelle is an earlier Creative Penn podcast on dictation which you might find interesting.

Self-care and Productivity for Authors with Ellen Bard is also a fabulous listen on self-care including the pomodoro technique, morning pages, working as a digital nomad and compassion as a self-care practice.

Books and reading notes

I’ve been enjoying the memoir, Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton which is about a tough journey to self-care and self-love. I’m nearly finished that book and looking forward to diving into the other books on my current to-be read pile as I featured on Instagram this week as part of the #mywritinglife series:

creative and connected

Sometimes all that reading we want to get done can put its own pressure on us! Especially as writers, it is part of our job to be reading but it can be a challenge to get as much reading done as we desire.

This Creative and Connected weekly post is helping me with my awareness and accountability on my reading practices. Self-care wise, I have been mixing up my reading strategies to include hard copy, ebook and audiobook as a way of taking the pressure off and getting more reading done. This seems to be working generally with audiobooks helping to make use of long hours in the car.

How are you making time to get those all important books read? And how do you manage the accountability – if that helps you?

As I work on finalising my e-book ‘The 36 Books that shaped my story’, I’ve really been thinking deeply about reading and its role in creativity and influence and can’t wait to share these thoughts with you.

Make sure you sign up to the Quiet Writing email list so that you can receive the ebook once available. The Quiet Writing newsletter – Notes from the Beach – will be winging its way out also this weekend so would love to chat more personally to you. Just pop your email in the box on this page and you will receive both!

Blog/Twitter/Instagram posts and interactions:

There have been some interesting blog posts on self-care recently :

In What are the Four Golden Rules of Self-Care, Dr Monifa S. Seawell reminds us that self-care is not always about indulgence and adding things to our lives; it can be also about eliminating people, practices and things that might be toxic. She also says that it’s not about comparison:

Your self-care practice should be as individual and as unique as you are, so if you are comparing how your self-care routine matches up to others, just, stop it.

In 6 Ways to Weave Self-Care into your Workday, Amy Jen Su reminds us that:

At the heart of self-care is your relationship and connection to self. As part of your job, it means that you’re attuned to and understand what you need to be your most constructive, effective, and authentic self. Therefore, rather than narrowly defining self-care as just physical health (which is an important piece of the equation), we need to pay attention to a wider set of criteria, including care of the mind, emotions, relationships, environment, time, and resources.

This is valuable advice and my learning about self-care has included this notion that it has a wide spectrum. This post also provides practical tips for noticing when you’ve slipped out of self-care mode.

My self-care activities

For me, self-care includes finding time to exercise and enjoy the environment where I live. It was such a pleasure recently to walk to Curracurrang in the nearby Royal National Park in Sydney. There were whales off the coast – breeching and rolling and blowing off some steam. And there were beautiful vistas of ocean, waterfall and bush flowers. I shared some of the bush flowers on Instagram:

Here’s another shot from just off the coast by a beautiful waterfall looking back towards the ocean through the trees.

coast walk

Working with intuition is also an important part of my self-care. I have posted my Tarot Narratives on Instagram every day this month. This intuitive work with tarot and oracle cards and linking them with books (reading +reading!) has become a part of a deep and focused morning routine like meditation and journaling. It calms me and connects me creatively to intuition and to the books and texts in my experience. This type of activity is about self-care as much as anything. Especially for introverts who need that deep focused me time in silence to recharge, just making this space in our days is an act of self-care.

So how do you find that deep focused quiet type of self-care activity?

tarot narratives

My thanks for all the engagement and feedback on Tarot Narratives. My plan is to place them on the Quiet Writing blog with a specific category so they can be easily located and referenced as a resource. And I plan to continue each day! As always, I welcome your feedback.

Creative and Connected is a regular post each Friday – previous posts below. I hope you enjoy it – again, I would love any feedback via social media or comments and let me know what you are enjoying too.

Have a fabulous creative weekend!

Keep in touch

Subscribe via email (see the link at the top and below) to make sure you receive updates from Quiet Writing and its passions in 2017. This includes MBTI developments, coaching, creativity and other connections to help express your unique voice in the world. My free ebook on the books that have shaped my story is coming soon for subscribers only – so sign up to be the first to receive it!

Quiet Writing is on Facebook – Please visit here and ‘Like’ to keep in touch and interact with the growing Quiet Writing community. There are regular posts on tarot, intuition, influence, passion, creativity, productivity, writing, voice, introversion and personality including Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

If you enjoyed this post, please share via your preferred social media channel – links are below.

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